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You are never too old to achieve something and we were happy to help a group of our West Sussex dancers achieve this goal. Sadly they were the last group to do so as BWDA no longer offer medal exams. 


See our article below...

Medal Tally : 13 Bronze, 13 Silver and 2 Gold

For quite a few years now I have regularly asked my dancers if any of them would like to take their BWDA line dancing medals and the answer has always been an emphatic ‘no.’ Various reasons have been put forward for them not wanting to take their medals and I had all but given up on the idea. However, I decided to try one last time and you can imagine my surprise when eleven of my dancers stepped forward to say they would love to try.  Most of these are my newest intake of dancers with some having danced for less than two years. Kevin and I had also never taken our own medals so we decided to all take our medals together.

Sunday 8th October dawned and we all met at 10 a.m. for one last practice session before Adrian Chechley, BWDA examiner, arrived.  The stress levels were high but Adrian was great and immediately put everyone at ease. Kevin and I provided snacks for our dancers and Adrian and these were enjoyed at the end of the medal testing session. Our medal total for the day was a clean sweep with all the hard work paying off.  All those who took part were absolutely thrilled at having been awarded their medals and are  already wanting to know when they can start work on their gold dances.

Winning Line Up.jpg

To all other instructors out there I would highly recommend that you encourage your dancers to take their medals. It is an amazing experience and the feel good factor that has been felt by those taking part is second to none.   The pride you also feel as an instructor makes it so worth while as you realise you must be doing something right. Thank you Lynda, Adrian and the BWDA for giving us all this wonderful opportunity and experience.

To all the dancers out there I would also recommend that you take your medals as the sense of personal achievement and feeling part of a group has been the most positive outcome of the whole experience.  

Another very important plus factor is that it helps dancers improve their footwork as all dances have to be exactly as scripted with no variations. Following the exams it was a massive compliment to us when Adrian commented on our neat and clean footwork. Well done ladies and Kevin and hopefully some of my other dancers will now decide to take their medals.   

BWDA Medal Tests

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